This is what happens to your body when you walk 30 minutes a day
If you’re looking for a simple, yet extremely effective way to improve your overall health & well-being; lose weight and improve your body composition; fight off those bouts of seasonal depression and lift your mood, then you’re in luck.

What if we told you that one of the best things you could do for your physical and mental health is to incorporate walking into your daily life? What’s even better, though, is the fact that you don’t even need to spend all your precious time on it. Just 30 minutes a day is enough – whether you do it all at once or split it into smaller time increments.

The Benefits of Walking: Cardiovascular Health

Walking makes your heart and lungs stronger and more efficient. It also helps your body use oxygen better, which is good for you down the line. When you walk, your heart beats faster, which lowers your blood pressure, improves your blood flow, and reduces your chances of suffering heart complications. This is especially true if you’re older.

Going for a quick walk can also protect you from many diseases that affect your heart and lungs. By walking 30 minutes each day, your body adapts and improves. If you walk faster (3.5 to 4 miles per hour), the benefits of this simple form of exercise become even greater. Why do you think all those fitness & lifestyle influencers and online coaches keep telling everyone to go for a walk? Because it’s effective! It’s great cardio, tons of fun, low-impact, and incredibly accessible.

The Benefits of Walking: Mental Health

Walking can make you feel better by reducing stress and fighting anxiety and depression, according to research. It also boosts your mood by increasing blood flow to the brain. This is especially true if you walk outside – in nature. Being surrounded by nature keeps your senses open and present. When you remain present, your mind relaxes and those pesky negative thoughts go away.

Apart from that, walking outside can also help you cope with seasonal affective disorder and low vitamin D-related depression. Research shows that walking in nature for as little as 5 to 10 minutes can lower stress and anxiety and improve your positive mindset. While you can also get the same benefits from walking indoors or in an urban environment, nothing beats spending quality time away from the hum-drum of daily life.

The Benefits of Walking: Stronger Muscles, Joints and Bones

As we already said, walking is a low-impact, easy to do exercise that does not put pressure on your joints while still working your legs, buttocks, and core. If you have joint problems, walking is a great way to be active without feeling like you’re destroying your body. Plus, if you are new to exercise, you can build up your mobility, strength, and fitness by walking regularly.

Walking also helps your balance and mobility by making your legs stronger. Walking can also ease joint pain and stiffness by keeping the joints moving and lubricated. Taking a 30-minute walk each day can also prevent the bone loss associated with aging, which can lead to severe osteoporosis.

A plethora of experts suggest using trekking poles while walking to work your upper body muscles as well. Push the poles into the ground with each step and focus on your arm speed. The faster your arms move, the faster your legs will move. This is not only a great way to keep yourself stable, but also to boost your performance and walk faster than last time.

The Benefits of Walking: Good for Your Brain

Walking for just 30 minutes a day, especially outside, can improve your brain functions, including increasing your attention span, improving memory, bettering executive function, and sharpening your focus. It also reduces mental fatigue and tiredness. If you’re at work, taking a walk during your lunch break can be a great way to refresh your mind and get ready for the rest of the day.

Do you want to keep your brain sharp as you age? Then you might want to lace up your shoes and go for a walk. Even a short stroll can do wonders for your mental health, according to science. Scientists have found that being more physically active can lower the risk of dementia by up to 80%. That's a huge deal, considering that dementia affects millions of people around the world and is expected to increase in the future.

The Benefits of Walking: Helps You Burn Fat

Walking is one of those forms of exercise that is good all-round. It’s great for health, well-being, and staying lean, sexy, and confident! A 30-minute walk is enough to burn calories, lose weight, and maintain muscle mass. The best part is that walking is very fun and easy to do. You can practically do it almost anywhere! You don't need any special equipment or skills, just a pair of comfortable shoes and some motivation.

How to Find the Time for Walking

If you’re struggling to find even 30 minutes a day, or you’re following a busy and clustered schedule, don’t worry! Here’s how to incorporate walking into your daily life without compromising on work, family, free time, and everything else in-between!

Set a specific goal and schedule for your walking routine. This can help you stay committed and consistent. You can also invite a friend to join you for some extra fun and support. This is especially easy if you dedicate your lunch break to it, since you can invite a colleague or office acquaintance.

Start small and gradually increase your walking time and intensity. If you are new to walking, start with 5 or 10 minutes a day and build up from there.

If you prefer keeping exercise away from work, you can join a group of walkers or find a place where people like to walk. This usually happens after work. Look around in your local park, or ask around on social media – you’d be surprised by the amount of walking groups present! This can help you make friends and improve your social skills.

Also, don’t be afraid of the number 30! You can certainly try to walk for 30 minutes every day, but you don't have to do it all at once. You can split it into smaller chunks throughout the day and still get all those great benefits we spoke about.

Remember, your body knows best. Don't push yourself too hard or too fast if you feel any pain or discomfort from walking. It's OK to take a break when you need one. The most important thing is to find ways to keep walking interesting and enjoyable.

Lastly, walking is a great way to engage in other hobbies, especially learning or mindfulness. You can grab your headphones, put on a great e-book and listen along as you roam around the city. Listen to your favorite podcast, hear the latest news, or just jam to some tunes – whatever makes you feel motivated and happy.

Have fun and think of walking as something you want to do and not something you have to do!

Everbuild Nutrition