7 Dumbbell Exercises That Everyone Should Start Doing
The good old dumbbell – our favorite muscle-building piece of iron. It’s been such a staple part of our culture for the past decades, that now – as soon as we see a dumbbell, we immediately start thinking of the gym. Some of us, who the others call gym rats, even recall its scent – sweat, tears, and steel. Pumping Iron, baby!

The dumbbell is a gym staple and music-building classic due to its functionality. Being a free weight, the dumbbell allows you to perform a wide variety of exercises, which in turn allows you to focus on very specific muscles. Apart from that, the weight of a dumbbell varies – there are small and light ones to get you started, medium-sized ones to help you build upon those newbie gains and even do some cardio with, and then there are the big ones – the giants of the gym, that barely nobody touches.

So, if dumbbells are, in fact, so great, why don’t people train only with them? As great as they are, they can’t match the gains and strength improvement you get from squatting, deadlifting, or benching. To put it simply, dumbbells are great for the finishing touches of your body – they add definition.

If you want to get stronger, become bigger, and lose some of that stubborn fat, here’s our comprehensive list of dumbbell exercises that you should start doing the very next time you hit the gym. Don’t worry – they’re only seven!

Alternating Shoulder Press

The backbone of every successful shoulder day – the overhead press, also known as the shoulder press, is one of those exercises that you should start doing as early in your gym life as you can. The shoulders are among the sexiest muscle groups, and nothing comes close to grabbing that sweet, sweet attention.

How to perform:

  1. While standing, grab a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Place the dumbbells on your shoulders, with your palms facing each other. Lift the dumbbell in your right hand toward the ceiling. Then, return it to its starting position and simultaneously lift the other dumbbell up.
  3. Repeat this pattern for anywhere from 10-15 repetitions on both arms. Aim for 3 sets per gym session, and 2 sessions per week.

Dumbbell Front Squats

Squats are one of those exercises that you fall in love with over time. The more you do them, the better they feel, and the better you feel while doing them. Squatting with dumbbells gives your quads an extra bit of challenge, and also involves the shoulders, as we need them for stability. Not only that, but your back will be pain-free!

How to perform:

  1. While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Bend your elbows and place the dumbbells on the front of your shoulders, resting them there, using your hands to support them.
  3. Squat down as deeply as you can, without your back tilting forward or your heels coming off of the ground.
  4. Once you’ve reached the bottom of your range, stand back up to complete the repetition.
  5. Aim for 10 to 15 repetitions and 3 sets per gym session. Aim for 2 sessions per week.

Double Arm Swings

You’ve probably seen people doing kettlebell swings. They’re great for overall strength, endurance, and can even be a very fun and challenging cardio exercise. Luckily for you, you don’t need a kettlebell to reap all the benefits – just use a dumbbell.

How to perform:

  1. Firmly hold one side of the dumbbell with both hands and place your feet at about hip-width apart.
  2. Using your glutes and hamstrings for power, swing the dumbbell forward.
  3. When the dumbbell reaches about waist height, allow it to swing back to the initial position.
  4. Aim for 10 to 15 repetitions and 3 sets per gym session. Aim for 2 sessions per week.

Dumbbell Crunches

Sit-ups and crunches – everyone’s least favorite exercises. Let’s be honest, nobody likes working out abs. Well, maybe some do, but they’re definitely weirdos. Despite ab workouts being annoying and painful, they’re a necessary evil. And to really crush your core next time you’re doing crunches – add a dumbbell for some extra weight!

How to perform:

  1. Lie on the ground and on your back, with your knees bent comfortably and your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Place your hands on your chest and lift your shoulder blades off of the floor, tightening your core.
  3. Slowly fall back into the initial position – that’s one complete repetition.
  4. Aim for as many as you can do, and do 3 sets. We advise training your core like any other muscle group – 2 to 3 times a week.

Dumbbell Russian Twists

Staying on the topic of abs and core – here’s another timeless classic – the Russian twist. This exercise is great for your obliques, which often get left out and underdeveloped. As with everything in this article, stick a dumbbell into it and make it better – that’s the name of the game!

How to perform:

  1. Sit on the floor, lean back, and lift your feet off of the floor.
  2. Hold the dumbbell with both hands and balance on your buttocks.
  3. Keeping your spine erect, twist to the right.
  4. Then, return to the initial position and twist to the left.
  5. Repeat this pattern for 10-15 repetitions on both sides. Aim for 3 sets per session, and 2 sessions per week.

Dumbbell Bent-Over Row

Ah, the bent-over row. Nothing beats a good back workout! Nothing beats all the looks you get once you take off your shirt and show that sexy back off, too! If you’re a fan of rowing and want to utilize a dumbbell, then this one’s for you.

How to perform:

  1. While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Bend forward from the waist and keep your back flat.
  3. Pull the dumbbells towards your chest by bending your elbows and pinching your shoulder blades together.
  4. Return to the starting position to complete the repetition.
  5. Repeat this pattern for 10-15 repetitions on both sides. Aim for 3 sets per session, and 2 sessions per week.

Dumbbell Press

Last but definitely not least – something for those pecs! What’s better than the classic press movement? Well – nothing! You can do the dumbbell chest press anywhere – even on the floor. When you got only 10 minutes to work out and the only thing you got laying around is a pair of dumbbells – hit the floor and give it all you got!

How to perform:

  1. Lay down on the floor and hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Keep your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  3. Lift the dumbbells up, towards the ceiling.
  4. Once you’re at the top of the movement, slowly lower the dumbbells back into the starting position. That’s one repetition.
  5. Perform 10-15 repetitions per set, 3 sets per session, and 2 sessions per week.

And there you have it – seven ways to use a dumbbell in the most effective way possible. Don’t sleep on these exercises, they’ll help you out a ton in the long run.

Remember: He who trains with both machines and free weights shall become massive, lean, and sexy! We’re joking, of course. But as with every good joke – there’s a bit of truth to it.

Stay strong,

Everbuild Nutrition