The powerful benefits of magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral that is important for normal bone structure in the body. Usually, you can get magnesium from different foods, but most of the time, the easiest and most high-quality way is thru magnesium supplements. This is especially good for people who have low magnesium levels and suffer from a deficiency. Dietary intake of magnesium may be low, particularly among women. Magnesium deficiency is also not uncommon among African Americans and the elderly. Low magnesium levels in the body have been linked to diseases such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, hereditary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Magnesium plays a very important role in exercise performance. You may need around 20% more magnesium during exercise than when you’re resting, depending on the activity. One of the main reasons is that magnesium helps move blood sugar into your muscles and dispose of lactate, which can build up during exercise and cause fatigue. Some studies show that taking magnesium for at least 4 weeks period of time could significantly improve your physical form and could help you maintain better performance at the gym.

An important benefit of magnesium is its strong anti-inflammatory properties.  Low magnesium intake is linked to chronic inflammation, which is one of the main reasons for aging, obesity, and chronic disease. As well, some studies show that low magnesium levels could lead to higher blood sugar and triglyceride levels. Consuming more magnesium could have a beneficial effect on the general health and the work of the immune system.

Magnesium is widely important for most of the biochemical reactions in the human body. About 60% of the magnesium is found in bone, while the rest is in muscles, soft tissues, and fluids, including blood. An interesting fact is that every cell in the human body contains magnesium and needs it to function.  Magnesium has an amazing effect on over 600 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps the energy production and balance of the metabolism. As well it stimulates protein formation. Last but not least, magnesium helps to regulate the work of the nervous system and stimulates brain function. 

Last but not least, Magnesium plays an important role in mood and cognitive function. Low levels of this important mineral are linked to an increased risk of depression. Some experts believe that the low magnesium content of modern food may cause many cases of depression and mental illness. That’s why it's important to get the proper need amount of magnesium every day.