Cheat day - pros and cons
Anyone who is actively involved in sports knows that the body needs rest and this rest is given to it in 1 day called Cheat. Then all junk foods are allowed to satisfy our senses. For the next day - diet and exercise.
The theory that supports the cheat day is that when you eat healthily you slow down your metabolism and it begins to store energy that you throw into the gym. In yourcheat day, you speed up your metabolism and intensify the process.

In fact, this is not true. When you eat healthily you maintain normal levels of your macros and monitor your calorie intake. When you cheat the day when you eat whole carbs, junk food and sugars, you increase your insulin levels, which charge you with energy that you don't expend. A study in Obesity magazine shows that a pizza meal, for example, would bring you 1,000 calories, so that your body doesn't burn fat, you need to burn 1,500 kcal - something you can't do if you set that day for a cheat.
On the other hand, a study in the Journal of Consumer Psychology shows that a cheat day can help some people stick to their diet, as long as the cheat day does not deviate too much from a healthy diet.

When you choose to cheat from your diet, the break from the diet should not be all day. The best choice is to listen to your body and sometimes make slight deviations from the regime by eating small portions of your favorite food. This way you will not overdo it with unhealthy foods and you will stick to a healthy diet.
Two days a week you can afford to eat your favorite foods, which are no more than 30% of your daily intake. So if your diet is 2800 kcal per day, with a high-intensity workout, 580 kcal of your total food intake may be one of your favorite treats.