Food before and after training
Food is a source of strength and is one of the best sources of energy we need when we train. In order to achieve a dream figure, we need to be careful about what we eat.

In order to maintain good health and control our weight, it is good to eat all food groups, but without overdoing it. In order to have more energy during training, we need to get the necessary amount of carbohydrates, which make up about 1/3 of our menu.

However, among the high-carbohydrate foods, there are some that would do more harm to our health than help us fight excess weight. To be sure what we are eating, we need to choose healthy carbohydrates. Yeah, they're like that:

• Whole grain bread
• Brown rice
• Potatoes
• Some fruits and vegetables

However, food not only gives us energy, but it also helps to build muscle mass, which some of the most active athletes strive for. And in addition to taking protein powder, it is good to stimulate the process through nutrition.

Nutritional supplements are one of the safest ways to get fast and effective results, but it is good to maintain this process daily with food. Here are some of the healthiest sources of protein in food:

• Beans, peas, lentils
• Cheese, milk
• Fish, especially oily fish such as salmon and mackerel
• Eggs
• Tofu
• Red meat
• Chicken
We need protein the most before training when we need to prepare the body for the upcoming load in order to enjoy an effective and quality training. Therefore, about 30 minutes to 1 hour before strength training it is good to eat a filling protein breakfast, which will give us the strength we need for the upcoming workout in the gym. Here's what it can be:
• Oatmeal
• Protein bars
• Banana

Food is extremely important both before and after training. If you are one of those who train twice a day, it is good to charge the body with the necessary energy. About 60 minutes after a workout, you can make a milk and banana shake to regain your energy.

If you train once a day, you can prepare your diet so that immediately after training it is one of your main meals of the day. In it, bet on food that has healthy carbohydrates to regain energy.