Healthy ways to stimulate metabolism
Green tea

Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that stimulate metabolism within 24 hours by increasing energy.

Green tea is a favorite all over the world because of its ability to protect the body from the negative effects of free radicals and the dangers of overweight. With a high content of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, it is also low in calories and helps to start metabolism so you can effectively burn calories. In addition, green tea is attributed to thermogenic and purifying effects.

These are two things that make it so good that it helps you burn fat. Including it as a regular part of your diet will help you burn up to 19% more fat. Plus it reduces the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids in the blood. This limits calorie utilization.




Beans are a cheap and convenient way to improve your metabolism. They are loaded with soluble fiber that reduces cholesterol.

Worms and legumes have three times more fiber than brown rice, for example. Contemporary medicine and nutrition science are clear that a diet involving fiber-rich foods not only aids peristalsis in the intestines and ensures regular toxins, but leads to reduced cardiovascular disease and is great prevention of polyps form in the colon, tumor formations there, and so on.



Consumption of a reasonable amount of coffee and other caffeinated beverages has a positive effect on metabolism by stimulating the central nervous system.

Coffee is actually able to speed up metabolism (how quickly your body uses calories as energy). And according to some scientists with up to 10%. This is due to caffeine, which speeds up body functions. One cup of standard black coffee, which contains between 108 and 135 milligrams of caffeine, speeds up heart rhythm, makes you more focused and soothes the airways (increasing the flow of oxygen).


Just do not rush to the nearest cafe. Sweetened and flavored coffee drinks significantly increase the number of calories that are taken during the day, and may even slow down the metabolism because of the sugar in them. So in this respect, they are quite counterproductive. To experience the benefits of caffeine without extra calories, you can try your coffee with cinnamon.

Iron foods

They help the body to produce energy. Foods rich in iron include mussels, oysters, lentils, pumpkin seeds, veal, and lamb.


Absorption of iron from food is stimulated by additional amounts of vitamin C and reduced by the intake of higher amounts of calcium, zinc or magnesium.

The normal absorption of iron prevents food rich in inosithexphosphoric acid and its salts - sesame, Brazil nut, almonds, tofu, linseed, oats, beans, soybeans, corn, peanuts, whole grain wheat, brown and white rice, chickpeas, etc., as well as those rich in tannins - black tea and red wine, pomegranates, blueberries and strawberries, raw nuts like hazelnuts, walnuts and pecans, most legumes and some spices - cloves , tarragon, cumin, thyme, vanilla and cinnamon. A number of dry spices, however, contain a high iron concentration, so they compensate for the tannin-reduced absorption.



Sufficient amounts of water help you get the most out of your nutrients. Drinking water and eating large amounts of water ensure a feeling of satiety for a longer time.

Chili peppers


Consumption helps reduce abdominal fat and appetite. Try spicy foods like mustard, chili, pepper. Capsaicin - the compound that gives the hot, fiery nature of the peppers, helps speed up metabolism by raising body temperature. Research shows that capsaicin can help your body burn about 50 extra calories a day.


Skipping breakfast slows down metabolism. We recommend that you include foods rich in protein such as eggs, milk, and nuts in your breakfast.


Protein foods

Protein is the main constituent of tissues in the body. Consumption of fish, low-fat meat, eggs, and plant protein maintain high levels of metabolism even hours after consumption.

Proteins (proteins) are basic building blocks in the cellular structures of living organisms. The main thing to remember is their role in our nutrition - to help the human body to renew, grow and develop. The full functioning of the human body requires the consumption of a certain amount of amino acids every day. They get it by digesting the proteins (protein) in the food and digesting the amino acids that make up the proteins.


Following food intake, processes in the body start as digestion and metabolism.

These processes are known as "thermal effects of food". Although different sources differ in terms of exact figures, it has been shown that protein has the highest thermal effect (between 20-30%) compared to carbohydrates (5-10%) and fats (0-3%). Assuming the thermal effect of the protein is 30%, it means that of the 100 calories provided by the protein source, only 70 will be usable.



Green vegetables, soybeans, legumes will supply you with sufficient amounts of magnesium to help with your metabolism.