Are frozen foods healthy?

We live in a world in which artificial predominates. What we consume, however, even when we adhere to a healthy diet, does not always prove useful to us. Besides confusing us in our pocket, it often confuses us into health!

Today we pay special attention to frozen foods. How much we store and the benefits of products when we freeze them - you'll find them in the following rows.

You are already aware that sometimes even processes and actions that we are accustomed to in our daily lives can lead to unexpected and often unpleasant surprises for the body.

More and more people choose different frozen vegetables and fruits to add to their menu - whether for variety or from a practical point of view. One of the great benefits to them is that they are pre-washed, cut, ready for cooking and really very comfortable. The main reason for buying frozen fruits and vegetables is the fact that they are seasonal and often need to be imported from other countries.


It is good to know that in order for the fruits to reach us ready for consumption, they are often picked up before they are ripe, and thus lose some of their nutrients during the long trip to the shops.

Be aware of which vegetables the benefits include:

Carrots are an excellent option because high levels of beta-carotene and antioxidants are blocked in vegetables by freezing, with guaranteed health benefits (improved vision, beautiful skin).


Peas - it is an affordable and convenient option to get more to the mandatory daily intake of vegetables. And it can easily be added to soups, stews or salads or used as a dish. Peas are also one of the healthiest vegetables.


Spinach - fresh spinach is great for eating when you choose to eat it raw, but frozen spinach is much more suitable for cooking. Fresh vegetable loses considerable volume and nutrients when cooked. Keep in mind that frozen spinach holds a lot of water, so before adding it to the recipe, defrost it in a mesh strainer and pour it under warm water.


Broccoli - vegetables with high vitamin C content, such as broccoli, tend to lose this vitamin during transport, prolonged storage and exposure to much heat and light, but when frozen, they maintain the level of vitamins and antioxidants people who say the flavor of frozen broccoli is different in cooking and they do not like it, but it's all a matter of taste.

Corn, green beans/edamame beans are also amongst the useful and preferred frozen foods.

Freezing cooked meat


In fact, you can freeze any kind of cooked meat, as long as you know how to approach it. Observe the already cooked meat to cool well (but do not hold it for more than 2 hours outside). Keep frozen cooked meat for up to 3 to 6 months. Freshly minced meat/mince can be kept in the freezer for not more than 2 to 3 months.

Freezing rice

It is best to freeze the rice as soon as possible after cooking (of course, you have to wait for it to cool before putting it in the freezer in a suitable container). You can store rice in the freezer for up to one month (no longer) and it will still keep your moisture and flavor.


Freeze potatoes

Keep in mind that raw potatoes do not freeze well - they should be cooked or blanched before you put them in the freezer (partially cooked potatoes will freeze well). The recommended storage time is about one year.

Freezing Baby Food / Puree


There are four basic steps to freeze baby food: use ice molds or small bowls of food (very suitable for silicone) that have been previously washed at high temperature. Add passionate food by carefully distributing it. Place the ice/container forms in a plastic bag. Remember, food will expand as it freezes, so do not overfill and leave enough space.

Do not forget to label everything with the name of the food and the date of freezing. Place the food on the top shelf or as high as possible.

This helps to better maintain its texture, as the tip is usually the coldest part of the freezer and freezes faster. You can thaw the food by transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator (note that it is slow) or in cold water. Defrosting in a microwave oven is not recommended.

For optimal quality and retention of the nutrients, store the frozen baby foods in the freezer for a maximum of 3 months (experts recommend using the food even 1 month before the deadline).



If you have not frozen baby food so far, you can consult your pediatrician or look for specialized articles to get to know each other better. There are also many videos on the web that show the process in detail. Opinions and experiences of other mothers can also help you.

Choose the correct duration


Vegetables can be frozen for up to 8-12 months. Their frozen life varies depending on how they are prepared and stored. Keep them at constant temperature and do not defrost them continuously. Always follow the instructions on the packaging.

Keep in mind that fruits can be frozen for about 8 months, and the same principles of storage apply to them.

What food do we NOT freeze?


From the point of view of food safety, there are those that can not and are not recommended to be frozen. These are raw eggs in shell, hard-boiled eggs, fruits and vegetables high in water such as lettuce, cucumber, melon, leafy herbs such as basil, onion.

The most useful frozen fruits

Along with the risks we introduced to you in the freezing process, we can not save you the benefits that remain in some fruits we choose to freeze:


Forest fruits - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries have a proven better value frozen (especially when out of season) because they start losing their nutritional properties the moment they were picked.

Mango - the frozen mango has many more benefits than you suppose - besides making great discomfort it can be added to various desserts and salads.


Peaches - forget about peaches preserved in jars, which also have a significant amount of sugar. Frozen fruits are much healthier and can be used to make toppings for pancakes and waffles, pies and cakes.