The training partner

In the gym, there is not a rare sight of two people who help each other in training, but obviously, their relationship is not a coach-client.

One keeps the other on the bench so that the lever does not push the lever in the last reps until it is dropped. The other, in turn, assists in negative recruits. While both follow different programs according to individual needs and goals, they always help. These are the training partners.


Do we need to have one to succeed? And what do you need to be a good training partner? Can we get our own goal if we do not meet the right person?

Is it obligatory to have a training partner?

Of course not.
People are so different that it is normal for them to have diverse views and preferences.


• Some like to practice absolutely alone and undisturbed and achieve great success.

• Second, need constant monitoring and motivation, and take a personal coach.

• Others feel good when they have a good friend in the face of their training partner.


What qualities are needed for a good training partner?

General Objectives

It's great if you find a partner close to your goals because it's an opportunity to motivate each other, use similar training principles and enjoy the desired successes.


Knowledge and experience

You do not need your training partner to have completed an instructor course. Only the presence of a certificate in any way does not identify anyone as a good specialist. What is more important is known to be continuously updated, and the basic - to apply this knowledge in practice.

I know that nowadays it is difficult to say what is the trust because such a definition does not exist. There are different approaches and systems.

The training partner should know how to maintain optimally, and what the proper technique of performing a movement should be (although there are different variations here, this is another topic of conversation).



Even if he has his / her preference, a good training partner should comply with yours.

How exactly do you want to help - should his hands be close to the lever all the time, or just join the hard part?



This is a quality that we very much appreciate all people, but unfortunately nowadays is a little overlooked.

Being accurate indicates that you are responsible and organized. Of course, moments occur when circumstances hinder us (major congestion, emergency, etc.), but then it is sensible to signal our delay - by call or message.

It is good to have the accuracy in the set of benefits of the training partner. Still, you rely on being in the fitness hall at the appointed time, and once you have agreed, then you need your help.



Rapid reactions are important, especially in heavy series where the risk of injury is high.

The training partner is there for that - to react as needed and to prevent unwanted consequences.


Friendship and objectivity.

It would be nice for your training partner to be your friend - to be happy with you for your success but also to be objective - when you see that you are not doing something right.

Let's have a dialogue between you. You do not even have to see outside the hall. But when you are there, it is important to know that you can rely on one another.


Training Partner = Own goal

Yes. Such an equation might exist if the person is not fit (in purely training terms). It could even hurt.

The idea is with him to advance, motivate, help you, feel good. If he does not know how to protect or if something in his / her behavior/annoyances or if he suppresses you - think about whether you should change the situation.

The training partner is an additional, not a necessary condition for successful training, which depends individually on the peculiarities of both, because if the partner is poorly selected, even if he is a very good friend, he can only prevent it.

But things are not really that different. Whether in the hall, whether in life - it is good to surround ourselves with people who support us, help and motivate.