How to build muscles after the 40s

For older natural builders, the thought of manipulating the release of natural hormones through exercise and proper nutrition should be quite exciting. The hormones referred to in this article are so-called. "Big three" - testosterone, growth hormone and insulin - giving the greatest stimulus to muscle growth and recovery.

As it is known, the release of body hormones slows down with age, so the ability of a person to maximize the production of the above three hormones after the 40s is particularly important for increasing muscle mass.
Whether you are taking prohormones or not, what will give you the greatest incentive to synthesize natural hormones are, above all, appropriate workouts and nutrition.

Some facts about testosterone


As for the natural production of testosterone, it can be increased by heavy complex exercises, especially those in which your body moves up and down, such as squats and dead thrusts. Besides, the bigger one muscle, the higher the testosterone excretion in response to the load, and as we all know, the biggest muscles in the body are the back and legs.

Given what has just been said, it is recommended to start your training with 3-5 heavy squat or dead thrust runs with repetitions ranging from 6 to 10. Some professionals even recommend doing these exercises at the start of each workout even in hand workouts or breasts, for example, as it is believed that performing a series of heavy-duty complex exercises initially leads to an increase in blood circulation and release of testosterone that you will need to complete the rest of your workout.

However, according to some studies, the production of anabolic hormones stops after a 45-60 minute weight training, so try to optimize your stay in the gym and be able to run your program within that time.

Some facts about the growth hormone


Studies have shown that when growth hormone (HR) is released simultaneously with testosterone, it increases its effect. In addition, a direct relationship has been found between lactic acid formation coupled with "burning" in the muscles and the release of HR, and how better to obtain this "burning" effect of increasing the duration of the series by some well-known techniques and techniques.

Ways to increase the duration of the series:


Break-Pause: This method initially performs several repetitions to cancel, then leave the weights on a stand for about 10 seconds and continue with another 3-4 rep.

Forged repetitions: For forced repeats, you are able to do another 2-3 rep with a training partner after you have reached the maximum. It should be noted, however, that the execution of forced repetitions is recommended for no more than 4-5 series of training, as excessive use may result in over-training.

Half reps: This method is hacked with the following - once you have performed a full amplitude replication, your next iteration may be only half the full range.


Super Series: Two consecutive series of different exercises performed one after another without rest. Exercises can be for the same muscle group or for different groups - for example, performing a bicep series followed immediately by a triceps exercise.

21: one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's favorite exercises. The method consists of performing 7 reps from the bottom of an exercise until the middle, followed by 7 reps from the middle to the top of the exercise and 7 reps in full amplitude. For example, if you perform bending with a curved lever, the first 7 reps are from the lower level position to parallel to the floor, followed by 7 repetitions from parallel to folding the lever to the chin, and the last 7 reps are performed at full amplitude folding from the bottom to the top position.


Of course, there are a number of ways to increase the duration of a series, but the above is most often applicable and the implementers have made the most progress through them.


Some facts about insulin

Insulin is one of the hormones that have the greatest impact on the storage of fat in the body, so monitoring the number of carbohydrates taken at any time of the day is particularly important to avoid this build-up. However, insulin also has some positive features such as helping to conserve creatine and amino acids in the body, and this, in turn, leads to increased protein synthesis.

To maximize anabolic processes in your body, your goal must be to reach insulin peak at two main moments of the day - once in the morning, immediately after getting up, and the second time immediately after the workout (so-called "first anabolic window"). The question, however, is how to achieve this. The fastest and most accurate answer is - taking about 40 grams of protein and about 40-60 grams of quick-fat carbohydrates. The next and perhaps more important question you will ask is "Why are these two moments of the day so important?" Here the answer is a little more complex, but after careful insight into the essence you will find out what exactly makes these two assumptions important to anabolic processes in the body.

First of all, taking fast-digestible nutrients in your bloodstream immediately after training will help you make the most of your anabolic action. Besides, as soon as you get to sleep, your body has an urgent need for nutrients to stop catabolic processes started at night. It is the first 30 minutes after getting up from the bed to be known as the "second anabolic window" and you should do everything in your power to get the most out of it.


During the rest of the day, your diet should contain mostly protein-rich and complex carbohydrate foods to keep your insulin within the allowable limits. The rest is healthy training, enough rest and motivation to achieve your goals!