7 Effective ways to control the appetite for sweet and unhealthy foods
Read Part 1:

Replace favorite foods with healthier versions

Replacing foods that you find it hard to quit is a good approach that can save too many calories. Example replacements you can make:

1. Cold yogurt with fresh fruit instead of ice cream;
2. Slices of carrots and cucumber with hummus instead of chips;
3. Dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate;
4. Homemade roasted popcorn instead of a large quantity of fat;
5. Whole wheat bread or sliced peanut butter instead of a donut;
6. Shredded meat (such as bacon and pork fillet) for minced meat instead of curdled meat with added lard, salt, preservatives, etc .;
7. A healthier version of pizza cooked home with wholemeal or cauliflower instead of bought;

8. Whole-grained spaghetti or pasta with homemade sauce prepared from vegetables instead of ready or from a restaurant;
9. Coffee sweetened with a natural sweetener instead of coffee with sugar or honey and cream.

Food preparation and flavoring

Time separation in preparing and flavoring food is also important.
Different ways of cooking can diversify your meals. The use of natural spices such as black pepper, red pepper, marjoram, thyme, savory, natural apple vinegar, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and others are highly recommended.
Cinnamon, fenugreek, linseed, and skimmed cottage cheese are foods that are known to suppress appetite. Good practice would be to consume them before your favorite calorie options.

Combining everything written will help to satisfy your gustatory needs and will be another step towards regulating your uncontrollable appetite until recently.
Quality sleep
The link between lack of qualitative sleep and low levels of the leptin hormone - a hormone controlling appetite, has been proven, while at the same time the levels of the hormone responsible for the stimulation of hunger - ghrelin are rising.

Not surprisingly, people with poor sleep usually have problems with their eating habits.
7-8 hours of sleep within 24 hours can significantly affect your appetite control throughout the day.


Skipping breakfast, as well as choosing the wrong one, is a prerequisite for many to confuse your whole day.
Starting a day with a healthy breakfast containing basic nutrients is a perfect way to lay the foundation for the upcoming day.
You may feel that coffee or juice is enough to start your day full, but they are unable to fuel the body with fuel for a longer period of time.

In this way, it is very likely, soon after breakfast in question, to reach out to what is most affordable and convenient to eat, namely fast and unhealthy food.
On the other hand, if you feed your body in full, you will be less likely to feel a great appetite or hunger for the next few hours.

How would a healthy breakfast look like to give energy for hours ahead?

Option 1: Whole eggs (source of high-quality protein and beneficial fat), combined with oatmeal (source of mainly complex carbohydrates), combined and cooked according to personal preference.

Option 2: Whey protein powder (the main source of high-quality protein), combined with raw nuts (mainly source of useful fat) and oat nuts, combined according to personal preferences according to taste and purpose.

Additional practical tips
• Often the desire for unhealthy foods may be on a psychological basis. Trace which situations drive you to them and try to change them;

• Allow your favorite foods several times a week but in moderate portions. A much better idea is to control the quantities while you have the opportunity and not to deprive yourself completely until you say you can no longer take calories sufficient for a few days ahead. A rule that you can follow: Get 90% of your calories for the day from healthy sources and in the other 10% allow your favorite foods and beverages.

• When you experience hunger, but there is no time for your planned meal: Drink 1 cup of water and wait for 10 minutes. Very often the hunger will pass or will decrease significantly. The reason for this is that signals of hunger and thirst may be mistaken for our bodies;

• Drinking a cup of green tea after the main meal can reduce your need for and desire for dessert or refreshment;

• Reduction in caffeine intake can significantly reduce appetite. The reason is that once the effect decreases, the body starts to feel the need for a new energy supply - this may be another dose of caffeine or fast food. Another big downside is the combination of coffee and sugar.

• Adding healthy intermediate meals can also be helpful. Similar are frozen cottage cheese, canned tuna in own sauce, a blended powdered protein with oatmeal, eggs, etc.

• Constant stress is also associated with increased appetite, overweight, and increased need for unhealthy foods. To reduce its levels and help reduce appetite, you can try fitness, yoga or other sports.

End of part 2.